My alarm today went off at 6:15am. I looked at my phone, decided to go back to sleep and woke up at 7:15am to an email from College Relations saying the college was closed and an email from Amy going "What the hell! We have work to do!" So I spent the morning doing work on the couch, then headed into the office around noon. Our office parking lot was a deathtrap due to the ice, but I made it in and finished training sessions and a good chunk of evals.

I got to the hairdresser at 5pm and spent two glorious hours getting my hair highlighted and cut. It looks so much better and I finally found a nail color that is semi-close to the Waitress nail color that I've had on my toes since the wedding. Hopefully I will get around to actually doing my nails before Saturday!

New staff comes back tomorrow, chiro tomorrow night, then home to bake for Thursday night staff meeting! I'm excited to see my students back on campus and get started with V-Day stuff, the Women's Center Retreat and Selection!

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