


If you know me IRL and even in my social media self (@ColleenCentral) you know that I have a bit of an obsession with my former summer workplace: Trail's End Camp.

I worked at camp for four years. Four years of roller coaster emotions, hard work, friendship that will last a life time and fun. I started out as Marc's secretary/Upper Collegiates(now Trinities) camp counselor/Varsity Canteen worker/Costume creator. It was insane....but I loved it. I loved my girls, I loved my co-counselors, I loved the Honigfelds/Goldbergs, I loved being outside and wearing shorts and sneakers every day, I loved showing off my hometown to people from different countries. I was just completely in love. But I pushed myself so hard that I had a stress attack in the last week of camp and ended up in the infirmary overnight. I left camp the day it ended to head back to Dickinson for RA Training. I think my time at camp made me a better RA that year.

And when I went back the next year, I felt so good coming into it knowing that whatever leadership skills I gained from camp, I would be able to take into my career. I worked as the Boy's Head Counselor secretary/Varsity Canteen Worker/Jack of all Trades. I lived off campus that year with my parents, but not being in bunk gave me the opportunity to really bond with Tim and Chantelle and other Non Bunk Staff.

The year after I became the Bookkeeper. I was incredible confident in my place in camp and really did feel like a leader. I hated the micromanaging money aspect I was dealing with and hated the stupid safe, but I liked being there, I liked being surrounded by the fun going on and the people around me. It was Nic's first year and she and I connected right away and soon Tim, Nic and I became inseparable.

My last year was bittersweet. I lived in camp with Nic and we had a blast. I was bookkeeping and was the Special Friend to the Middies so I was helping with bunk duty on Staff meeting nights. And I was going to my internship in Scranton, then driving to class, then getting up and driving back to Scranton, then heading back to camp. My days off were few and far between that summer. But I met Jeremy and had a great time with him. The last day of camp, I was a mess. Watching Nic get on the bus started my tears and they didn't stop until after the last bus left. Tim literally had to pull my arms off of him because I did not want to let go. And I still had 2 weeks left to wrap things up! It was also the year my sister worked in camp, along with 3 of her best friends. That was drama filled, but worth it. I remember leaving camp on my last day and barely being able to see because of the tears.

I know for some people, my obsession with a summer workplace seems silly. But I love what I became while I was there. I love the people who helped to mold me, I love the traditions that still happen year after year. I love that I can stop by at any point during the summer and there will always been someone that I know. TEC really amped up their Facebook page this year, so it has been awesome to see the updates as the summer starts, but I still get teary thinking that I am not there!

I hope that everyone, at least once in their life, finds a place that they can call their other home. Whether that is a workplace, a city, an experience or something else, that kind of connection can't be bought.
12/30/2011 12:55:54 am

THX for info

1/25/2012 02:20:28 pm

Many thanks for info

1/27/2012 07:12:20 am

Nice one info, thanks

3/27/2012 03:36:28 am

Nice article bro

3/30/2012 08:14:10 am

THX for info

3/30/2012 08:33:24 am

good post

7/16/2012 06:23:37 pm

Good article dude

9/24/2012 05:14:09 am

Good article bro


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